Being Polite

In a world that becomes more anti-Christian every day, you’re sure to eventually run into some people who tell you that your beliefs are ridiculous.

Although I probably haven’t, I feel like I’ve heard it all.

“What, you don’t want women to have the right to choose what happens to their bodies? You’re so sexist.”

“You can’t say homosexuality is wrong! After all, it’s love, isn’t it?”

“Of course a man can pretend he’s a woman or vice-versa! After all, what they were naturally created to be doesn’t matter so much as what they feel like being.”

“I can’t believe you support {insert candidate here} … {he/she} believes in {insert belief here}.”

“Believing some sky-god created the universe is so stupid.”

“Then your God is racist/sexist/homophobic!”

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. The world honestly wants to crush Christianity. I’ve seen it time and time again. They pretend they want to support all beliefs … but really they just want to support all the beliefs that don’t contradict their beliefs.

But that’s really not important.

What’s important is your response.

How do you react to the world’s heckling? Do you fly into a rage? Do you engage in venomous debates?

Well, you shouldn’t.

When someone challenges you about your faith …

Be polite.

As Christians, it is our duty to take the higher road.

As Christians, it is our duty to be kind and loving to everyone.

As Christians, it is our duty to represent Christ in a godly fashion.

Be the kind of person who makes other people want to be Christians. Stand firm in your beliefs … but don’t be caustic if they are challenged. Turn the other cheek.

~Kellyn Roth~

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5 Lies About Your Identity That the World Desperately Wants You to Believe

In a world like ours, teen girls are faced with so many opinions, declarations, and lies about our identity.  The struggle is SO real for us Christian, teen girls who are striving to lead a life that honors the Lord.  But just how are we supposed to survive in such chaotic deceit?  By learning how to discern the difference between the lies and the truth.  Today we are going to do just this to five lies about your identity that the world desperately wants you to believe.

#1  You’re not gorgeous.

These days, gorgeous pretty much means having a perfect body.  From the color and style of your hair, to the length of your nose, to how thin you are.  Now they can even measure your beauty.  Using a ratio.  Yep.  You read correctly.  I was shocked too when I read a post and watched a vlog on a Christian site called Girl Defined where they explained how it works.  They take measurements of say your forehead, the space between your eyebrows and your nose, your nose to your upper lip, and your bottom lip to your chin.  Your measurements and how close you are to the ‘perfect ratio’ is how they define how gorgeous you are.  Ridiculous, isn’t it?  However, there is some good news; we’re not defined by a math equation.  Psalm 139:14 says,

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully [emphasis mine] made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

I don’t see anything about a ratio in that verse, do you?  Of course not!  The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God-we are His works of art!  You don’t have to live up to a number on a tape measure or a scale because you’re gorgeous and priceless just the way you are!

#2 You have to have a boyfriend.

Ok.  So yeah, most girls would like to eventually have a boyfriend because most girls want to get married someday and have a family of their own.  But the pressure to have a boyfriend even in your preteen years is absolutely terrible.  Girls, you are not defined by another human being.  I know it can sometimes feel that way.  And often we think way too much of a guy’s opinion of us.  But you don’t need any guy’s opinion.  You don’t need any guy’s approval; the Lord has already given you His approval!  He thinks you’re to die for-literally.  

Ephesians 1:4

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

God chose you for Himself even before He created the world!  Now who needs more approval than that?  And what’s more, the whole point of being in a relationship is not just to have the admiration of a guy.  It’s to find a guy who loves the Lord as much as you do and who encourages and challenges you in your walk with Christ!  Wait for someone who will rather you have a date with Jesus every day before you even think of texting him.  Use this time of your life to chase God rather than chase a guy (and this is difficult, I know, which is why you can only do it through prayer, reading scripture, and discipline), and the Lord will send you the right one in His timing.

#3 You need to have complete control over your life.

Independence.  Get away from your parents, the barriers, the accountability, and especially God.  Get a life.

How many stories have you heard of teens who fall head-over-heels with this lie and their lives were completely ruined because of it?  I’m sure you can think of numerous.  The world seems to think that being independent is pretty ‘cool’.  Doing whatever you want to do, going wherever you want to go, and always pleasing yourself.  At least that’s what they think.  After a couple of years of independence they wonder why they still feel something missing.  Why they feel so alone.  Why they feel so discontent, or why having everything is never enough.  The missing piece to the puzzle isn’t so puzzling.  It’s actually just one word and the number one thing on their list to get away from: God.  What they never realized is that they were leaving behind the one vital necessity to living life.  Without the love of Christ, you have nothing.  You are nothing.

One of my favorite songs is In Christ Alone…

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand.

Beautiful, isn’t it?  I wish the whole world could hear this song and realize that Christ alone is all they’ve ever needed.  You don’t need independence.  We only need the saving grace of God.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


#4 You need to ignore all the other voices and follow your heart.

Now you might be a little puzzled on this one.  You may be thinking “Wait a second…shouldn’t I be following my heart because since I’m a Christian, Christ is in my heart?”.  Well, yes, in that sense.  But this is not what the phrase, ‘follow your heart’, is implying.  It really means, ‘follow your feelings’.  You see, even as born again believers, we still have a sinful flesh and nature.  Becoming a Christian doesn’t mean you’ll never sin again, but it sure would have made things a whole lot easier, wouldn’t it? 😀 But that’s not the case.  Your flesh still desperately wants you to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit and to live for the world.  When faced with temptation, it’s that little voice that whispers “Maybe it’s not all that bad.”, “No one is watching; I can get away with it.”, or “Just this once.”.  Listen to the one that says “You know that’s wrong.”, “God is always watching.”, and “One time is enough to wreck your life.”; that is the voice you need to try to always heed.  And I say try because we’re not perfect, and we are going to sin, but you can avoid a lot of trouble and heartache if you follow God instead of your heart.  If you’re unsure of a decision, pray, study God’s Word, and seek counsel from a parent, mentor, pastor or youth director; I promise you won’t be sorry!

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Proverbs 1:33

But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

#5 You have to be a feminist.

Our culture is so twisted on this thing called feminism, and it’s absolutely disgraceful. First off, we don’t have to be a feminists in order to embrace and love being females.  We don’t need put down and disrespect males.  We don’t need to abort our children because it’s ‘our body’.  We don’t need to claim that our rights are being neglected because realistically, we have just as many rights as males.  We are the next generation of women, and I don’t wish for it to be a generation where women take the role of ‘head of the house’.  That’s not the purpose God intended for women.  We were made to respect and honor the males God has placed in our lives.  We were made to grow up to be mothers who love our children and raise them to honor the Lord and strive to help point them to having a personal relationship with Him.  We were made to be meek and gentle, but also bold and strong when the time comes for us to be so.  We are the next generation, and I wholeheartedly believe that we can be females who conduct ourselves according to God’s design (Proverbs 31).


I hope this post has helped you to identify a few of the lies the world wants you to believe and has encouraged you to seek the truth.

In Christ Alone,




Nowadays, people just don’t want to take responsibility for themselves.

If you get pregnant, it’s okay. You don’t have to deal with it. Just get an abortion. If you’re underage, your parents will have to pay for it anyway. You don’t have to take responsibility.

If you don’t want to get a job, it’s okay. You don’t have to deal with it. That’s what Obamacare, food stamps, and such are for. You don’t have to take responsibility.

If you riot and destroy personal property, it’s okay. You don’t have to deal with it. The government will ignore it. You don’t have to take responsibility.

If you reveal national secrets, it’s okay. You don’t have to deal with it. We’ll let you run for president. You don’t have to take responsibility.

Even if you’re not guilty of any of these things, you’re not taking responsibility for something, aren’t you? I imagine everyone here has done something wrong and then refused to take responsibility for it.

Thankfully, God offers us His great gift of grace, relieving us of our past mistakes and sins … but does that mean the consequences are removed?

The answer is NO.

Just because, as Christians, we are held down by our sins, that doesn’t mean the natural consequences are removed.

If you become pregnant as an unmarried woman, you still have that baby to raise all by yourself.

If you didn’t get a job, you have to starve.

If you riot and destroy personal property, you’re facing jail-time and fines.

If you reveal national secrets, you’re guilty of high treason and should be served the death sentence.

Unfortunately, our world is working as hard as it can to eliminate the consequences of our bad decisions. Nowadays you can do any of those things and get away with it. Perhaps there will be long-term consequences of some sort of another … but overall, you seem to slide by pretty easily.

But I beg you, don’t take the easy way out.

In the long run, the hard way is better.

Your actions are big. They are louder than words, louder than opinions, louder than sin itself.

Show that you’re the kind of person who takes responsibility, and they will respect you.

Show that you’re the kind of person who cares about your mistakes, and they will admire you.

So accept the responsibilities of your actions. Please, please don’t take the easy way out! If you did something wrong, ‘fess up, take the punishment, and don’t become that stereotypical millennial that everyone’s talking about.

You can be better than that.


~Kellyn Roth of Reveries~

Interview With Livy Jarmusch


Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing an inspiring young woman named Livy Jarmusch, the founder of Crown of Beauty Magazine.  I have been reading the blog and magazine for a while now, and it has been such a blessing to me.  I’m always thrilled to find new sisters in Christ uniting together with the same purpose across the web.  It’s a constant reminder that we are never alone.  There is hope yet for our generation!  Enjoy the interview, and may the Lord bless you all. 🙂

Why did you start COBM, and what is the mission of the ministry?

It doesn’t take much looking around to see that we are living in the middle of a completely broken generation.  So many young women struggle to believe that they are beautiful and loved, and I hate the fact that my sisters in Christ are being lied to by the enemy.  I had several close friends struggle with these issues, self-image, and eating disorders, and it just ripped my heart apart.  I started Crown of Beauty with the purpose of just that: returning to the Cross of Christ and reminding girls to find their value in the sacrifice that Jesus made for them.  God has really given me a compassion and desire to bring the truth about our royal identity in Christ, and our mission is to encourage and uplift our sisters to know and embrace these truths!  

Visit Crown of Beauty to read the GLOW and several other amazing issues!

What is the best part of running one of the most popular Christian e-magazines for teen girls?  What is the most difficult?

The best part, I would have to say, is just all the amazing friendships and heart-to-heart connections formed with Sisters in Christ all across the world!  I have met some of my closest friends through Crown of Beauty, and even if it’s just something small like a DM on Instagram, or an email from a sister in India…it’s amazing to see how the Lord is bringing His daughters together to encourage and uplift one another.  I love that we can all spur one another on to keep fighting the good fight, and remember that we’re not alone!

I would have to say, the most difficult part has been, the process.  I’ve been running this website/magazine for four years now, and God has taught me so much through it all.  But at the beginning, I was really wanting things to happen quickly.  I’ve always been a huge dreamer, and there were different milestones and accomplishments that I thought I could reach like, overnight.  Even though waiting, being patient, and trusting the Lord in the midst of the unknown isn’t very fun for our flesh, our Spirits grow SO much through experiences like that.  In the Kingdom of God we cannot despise the day of small beginnings, because everything starts as a tiny little seed!  When we are faithful in the small, and focus on just touching one person at a time, and being faithful right where we’re at, God begins to expand our influence and our reach.    

Can you tell us your salvation testimony?

My salvation testimony isn’t your traditional, “I was saved on this date, at this time, in this year” kind of a testimony.  I grew up in a Christian home, and God drew me to Himself at a very young age.  As a three-year-old, I remember flipping through my Beginners Bible picture book, and just feeling drawn to this amazing God.  I was wonder struck by the fact that the same God who made everything, sent His son Jesus to die for my sin, and then rose again, and now wanted to live inside me and do life with me!  Some might say that a preschooler is too young to understand these things, but God can call anyone to Himself, at any time, at any age!  So, I started walking with God when I was little, and I haven’t stopped since!


What is your favorite verse and why?

It is so hard to choose a favorite Bible verse, because I feel like it changes all the time!  God’s Word is living and active, and He is always revealing new truths to use through the Scriptures!  But, my favorite verse, for a while now, has been Romans 12:-2.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.  His good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

The call to renew our minds in His Word is amazing.  Memorizing scripture, reading His Word each day, talking with God, praying about, and writing down the things He shows us in His word is life changing.  We are transformed by His Word and His presence, going from glory to glory and grace to grace with each new day, being transformed into the image of Christ, and that is just SO exciting to me!  I love that we don’t have to listen to the lies of the enemy, and once we decide to stop conforming to the patterns of the world, and commit our hearts and our ways to His Word, the truth changes us.  Getting God’s perspective on each and every situation we encounter, transforms who we are, and gives us the power to walk in His “good, pleasing and perfect will.”  And seriously, what could be more exciting than that?!  Knowing the truth really does set us free!

 When did you start writing?  What drew you to it?

As soon as I learned how to properly scribble the alphabet, I was writing!  Haha.  In Kindergarten I told my teacher that I wanted to be an author.  I was always making up stories in my mind and acting them out with my Barbie dolls.  I had a very active imagination as a child, and I guess I never grew out of it!  I think it’s so cool how when God gives us hobbies, and dreams, and desires, and things that we enjoy doing as young children, oftentimes end up being those very things we were called and created to do as adults. 


Secrets of Royalty looks like an amazing book!  Can you give us a brief description of it?  What inspired you to write it?

Secrets of Royalty is about a young woman who is captive in an enemy camp, called the Worthlessness Camp.  It’s a place that nobody would ever want to live, but she is trapped there.  In her most desperate hour, the Hero rides onto the scene and delivers her from the enemy’s hand.  Jesus is the mighty Prince who rescues her from her terrible fate, and brings her into the Kingdom of God.  There, she must undergo trials and experiences that will help shape her heart and understand who she truly is: a Princess.  This story is a picture of each young woman’s relationship with Christ, when God rescues us from the pit of Hell, and transfers us into His Kingdom.  The experience of this pauper turned Princess is something every girl can relate with, as we’re each on our own journeys of abandoning the enemies lies and coming into the fullness of the truth of what God says about us.

Buy your copy of Secrets of Royalty  on Amazon

The inspiration for Secrets of Royalty actually came from a dream I had as a teenager, (which I talk about in the book) about rescuing this generation from that place of worthlessness.  The enemy has such a wicked plot going on right now, and I believe this book helps expose any lies that you might be believing about yourself, and help bring you into that place of truth.  The second half of Secrets of Royalty, is actually a 31 Day Devotional which digs deeper into these topics.  In the same way that Esther had to undergo beauty treatments before she was brought to the king, God wants to transform our hearts through the power of His Word, and help us walk in the fullness of who He has created us to be.  I believe that Secrets of Royalty helps young women do just that, and I love to think about the devotional part of this book as daily, inner beauty treatments!  

What advice would you give to a newbie writer with the dream of becoming an author?

I would say a few things, actually.  The first being, write as much as you possibly can!  Write every day, write about what you love, and if you’re struggling with writers block, just throw away all the rules and return to the simple joy of having fun with your stories and ideas!  Turn off the inner critic.  Something I have to do, is make sure that I’m not in “editing mode”, while I’m writing the first draft.  The whole point of the first draft, is to have a blast.  Bringing in the critical side too soon can quench your creative spirit and make the project seem like a chore and a burden rather than a blessing.

Also, don’t be afraid to share your work.  I know that’s one of the biggest fears authors face, letting others read your words.  It can be terrifying.  Like, you just poured your heart and SOUL onto the paper, and if someone has a critical response, it can feel like they’re directly attacking you and rejecting you as a person.  But as an author, it’s really important to remember that your identity does NOT come from the words that you write.  Your identity is in Christ, and you write because you love Him.  If others don’t embrace what you right, or if you get negative feedback, or even just suggestions for growth…don’t take it personal!  Writing and releasing can feel really vulnerable, but it’s a risk with taking.  Your pen can encourage and liberate so many people, so don’t be afraid to share the gift God has given you!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own ministry, blog, or e-magazine?

pressroom2My advice?  Do it.  Just go for it, girly!  There are so many excuses, fear, busy-ness, question-marks, insecurity…but starting a blog, or any other kind of online ministry is an amazing journey to embark on with Jesus.  If you don’t know where to start, pray!  Ask the Lord for His direction and ideas.  Another great idea, is to ask those who are doing what you would love to do, for advice.  I’ve had multiple young women email me, asking loads of questions about how to start a blog/website/or magazine, and several of them have actually stepped out and done an amazing job with it!  So don’t be afraid to start right where you are, with where you’re at.  And if you don’t know what to do, don’t be afraid to ask!  I love sharing things that God has taught me through the process, and I (as well as many others on a similar path) are only just an email away.

What lie do you believe Satan uses the most in attacking teen girls in today’s society?  What advice would you give to someone who was struggling in that area?

Wow, that’s a really broad question, I feel like I could preach a whole message on that topic!  Haha.  But for the sake of trying to be brief, one area that I really see being attacked is our beauty.  The world is constantly showing us false images of beauty, paper-thin supermodels and air-brushed faces on magazine covers…we all know that those images are not real, yet the temptation to compare ourselves or conform to this world’s standard of beauty is really intense.  We know that these things don’t matter.  God says that He looks at the heart, and that things that are seen are temporary but things that are unseen are eternal…yet we still all struggle with this desire to be truly beautiful, accepted, and loved. The answer to this battle can only be found in one place: at the foot of the Cross.  The sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and the blood He poured out, tells us just how precious and priceless we are in His sight.  The truth is, every woman is absolutely gorgeous, because she has been made by a glorious God!  Whenever we look in the mirror and don’t like what we see, we’re telling God that He messed up.  That His masterpiece isn’t enough. He wants us to know just how valuable we are to Him.  There was no price that He wasn’t willing to pay in order to redeem our souls and bring us to where He is.  He loves us THAT much.  He doesn’t want to be separated for us, not even for a moment!   For the JOY set before Him, Jesus endured the cross.  What kind of joy was Jesus looking forward to?  The joy of being with you!  His love for you outweighed all the pain, suffering, and torture He endured.  In His heart, He believed you were worth it.  And He still believes that you’re worth it.  If you’re struggling to embrace every part of who God has created you to be, ask Him to reveal just how much He loves you.  Because once you truly understand that you’re adored by the King of Kings, everything changes.  

PrincessAwarenessProgram1 (1)
Anyone can tell by Livy’s sweet smile that she is proud of her royal heritage in Christ! ❤

If all the girls in the world could hear you for one minute, what would you tell them?

This is what I would say…
Your uniqueness is a direct expression of a Magnificent Creator who has poured His glory and His grace into you.  If you doubt that you are loved, look to the Cross.  If you doubt that you are beautiful, look to the Cross.  Jesus wouldn’t have wasted His time redeeming you, if you were not valuable to Him.  Can you hear the song He is singing over you?  Can you hear the words He is whispering to your heart?  “My dove, my beautiful one is unique, and she looks just like she’s supposed to look like.  Her voice, her personality, her mind, her laugh…I wouldn’t change a thing. That’s how I want her to be!”  Sister, God is crazy about you.  He is always with you.  He is always paying attention.  You don’t have to strive to impress him, or struggle your way into His love. His grace is enough.  His love is enough.  You are His beloved Princess daughter.  All you have to do, is crawl into His lap, allow Him to wrap His arms around you, and rest in His perfect love.  

And just out of curiosity and because I know how much you love Disney, who is your favorite princess? ;D

I’m SO happy you asked me this question!  Haha.  My favorite Disney Princess is Cinderella!  I love her story, because she had a heart of gold, and despite the cruel mistreatment, justice prevailed and all of her terrible circumstances worked out for good.  I feel like it’s an amazing example of Romans 8:28…God turning your pumpkins into carriages, and your curses into blessings, and everything the enemy ever meant against you for harm, for good!  Cinderella’s story is such a fun celebration of happily ever after, which we will experience in eternal life from our relationship with Jesus, if we endure ‘til the end! ❤   

Image credit via Livy Jarmusch and Crown of Beauty Magazine

How much is too much?


That’s right. Today we’re talking about cosmetics. No, I’m not going to give you beauty tips. I’m going to talk about Christianity and makeup. Some people seem to think they don’t jive. Well, I disagree … to a certain extent. So here are my thoughts – and my advice – to you.

As girls, we want to look our best. We like to be pretty. Makeup can definitely enhance our natural beauty … or cover up anything you don’t think is beautiful. We also want to feel safe. Makeup can give you security. We want to be accepted. Makeup is definitely popular nowadays.

This isn’t going to be another post about you being beautiful on the inside. Being beautiful on the inside is what counts – but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about makeup.

I think I was about twelve when I started wearing cosmetics of any kind (except for costumes or when my big sisters put it on me). Of course, I only wore something to cover up that nasty acne (which was almost nonexistent then … *sigh*) and some lip gloss. I only bothered to put it on for special occasions.

Now? You won’t see me go a day without putting on my mascara and cover up if not more. Now, that’s not a lot, I know … but it’s every day no matter what and I don’t feel put-together until I put it on.

Here’s what I look like in the morning before and after makeup:


It’s a bit of a difference … but it’s not a lot. I argue that, after some of the sleep got washed off of me, I wouldn’t look too bad without makeup.

So why do I feel like I need to wear it? Do I wear it for other people? No, I don’t think so. I’m not aching to attract a boy (my friends will affirm this … *apologizes to a lot of boys for being mean to them as kids*), my family knows what I look like without makeup, and most of my friends don’t wear makeup anyway.

So that must mean I wear it for myself. Because it makes me feel good. But in the Bible it says …

“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

We’re obviously not supposed to be too focused on outward beauty, then, right? Which means we shouldn’t wear makeup … right?

Well, to be honest, I don’t think the act of wearing makeup is wrong. I think you can wear any amount of makeup and still be a godly woman.

What matters is why.

Here are some bad reasons to wear makeup.

You Probably Shouldn’t Wear Makeup …

  • To attract boys. Look, you can’t wear that stuff for the rest of your life! 😉 Seriously, though, if you can’t attract him without makeup – without a face, for that matter – then he’s not worth it. Trust me. Whether or not you wear makeup in this case is totally irrelevant. (Not that you should remove all your makeup every time you meet a guy. That would be a hassle. Just that that shouldn’t be your reason for wearing it.)
  • To attract friends. Again, anyone who cares about how you look isn’t worth your time. You are a special, unique person, created by God for His glory, and you don’t need to be involved in any kind of meaningful relationship with anyone who judges you based on how you look.
  • To be beautiful. Hooooold it there, why else would you wear makeup? Well, I have some pretty good reasons, but first let me explain why this is a reason not to wear makeup. You already all beautiful! I thought we established this fact already. There’s no need to add a bunch of gunk onto your face. Cosmetics can’t make you beautiful. They can add to your natural beauty … or they can erase the true you and replace her with someone else, depending on how you use them. But they can’t make you beautiful.

Now that we’ve gotten through those, let’s move on to some good reasons for wearing makeup.

You Should Wear Makeup …

  • To dress up. Makeup is no different than a fancy dress and a new pair of shoes! You wear nice clothes to church, right? Then wear makeup to church, too, if you choose to! So wear makeup because you want to ‘dress up’ nicely.
  • To glorify God. Say what? That’s right! As I said before, wearing makeup is no different than putting on nice clothes … and if you can put on nice clothes to glorify God (which I really think you can), then you can put on makeup to glorify God. You are His perfect creation, and you represent Him. Look your best!
  • To have fun. You gotta admit, putting makeup on is fun!

So is wearing makeup wrong? Not at all! However, you can wear makeup for the wrong reasons. So take a peek inside your heart. Why do you wear makeup? Is it really for the right reasons, and are you really honoring God by doing so?

Let’s go back to the title question.

How much is too much?

There is no such thing! Wear as much makeup as you want to wear. Just remember that, as a Christian, you are representing God, so …

  • Don’t call unnecessary attention to yourself. Leave that to the movie stars and models. 😉
  • Don’t make yourself look garish or ridiculous. Remember that makeup is to enhance your natural beauty … not to make a whole new you!
  • Let God be your guide. If you feel like makeup is going to call attention away from what is important – namely glorifying God – then don’t wear it! Use your conscience. 🙂

Before I go, a quick disclaimer:

It’s not just up to you.

Your parents get to make the final decision as to whether you wear makeup or not and how much makeup you wear. Remember to respect their opinions. They probably have a good reason for their decisions. If you want more makeup privileges, try bringing it up to them in a respectful manner. 🙂

Thanks for reading,


Do you wear makeup? Why or why not? What kind of makeup do you wear (if you do)? How often do you wear it? What are your thoughts on the great makeup debate? Comment below!

Shared Post From BecomingEmma.Com

Hey Y’all!  I came across this beautiful post this morning and thought it may be an encouragement to several of you(especially our older readers;)).  I’m sure it will bless you!

An excerpt from my personal journal entry in April 2015: “This has just been a tough week. I have just felt really empty, lonely, and lost… It may be hard right now, but I’m thankful for broken weeks like this because it creates a void that I have to come to God to fill.” Lonely. I…

via Waiting and Dating: Why God Matters — Becoming Emma

A Baby Changes Everything

There was once a thirteen-year-old girl.  She was pleasant, kind, gentle, hard-working, and beautiful.  She wasn’t perfect, but there was something different about her.  People avoided and rejected her; even her family was ashamed of her…she was pregnant.  This pure, God-honoring, engaged girl was pregnant.  Everyone was shocked.  They stared and threw her insults, but she took them with grace.  Because she knew, even though no one else did, that she was innocent.  One of the things that hurt her the worst was seeing the hurt and confusion on her fiancé’s face.  He could have had her stoned, but he didn’t.  People didn’t understand him either-especially when he decided to go through with marrying the girl!  They didn’t know that an angel had came to him in the middle of the night and told him what his fiancé already knew.  She carried the Son of God.

Mary was a sinner just like you and me.  But even at her young age she gave her all to Christ.  Are we like Mary?  Willing to lay down all our dreams, desires, and plans to give our lives fully to Him?  Does your salvation change everything; how you act, talk, dress, live?  Is He the deciding factor in your life?  Giving your life to Christ is the best gift that you could ever give Him on His birthday.  Are you willing to pay the price?  Check out the song, A Baby Changes Everything!

Merry Christmas!



Merry Christmas! And I mean it.


Hiya y’all!

Before I go any farther, I just want to say …


Don’t you DARE be afraid to say it to EVERYONE you meet in these next couple weeks! HAPPY HOLIDAYS IS HEREBY BANNED FROM YOUR VOCABULARY!!! Politically correct? Puhleeze. Don’t even try. Trust me; it’s impossible to be a politically correct Christian (see my most favorite non-carol Christmas song).

Why can’t you be a politically correct Christian?

Because the Truth isn’t politically correct anymore.

It isn’t politically correct to say that homosexuality is a sin.

It isn’t politically correct to say that women can’t kill their babies.

It isn’t politically correct to say that Jesus Christ is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life.

Never be afraid to shout the truth to the world! Don’t fight with every person you come into contact with … but you do have to stand up for what you believe in.

Sorry for this being such a short post, but hopefully it’s ‘short and sweet.’ 😉


Gifts from God: Uniqueness

Peer pressure.  I’ve always wondered if I struggle with it.  I think that I act like myself, but there are times I question.  “Am I doing, acting like, or wearing this because I like it, and it’s who I am, or because I’m just trying to impress my peers?”

I’m going to make a confession.  I really struggle with self confidence.  In fact, I’ve also struggled with things like obsession, doubt, believing that I truly am beautiful because the Lord made me in His image, and several other things.  However, one conclusion I’ve discovered in my on-going battle with self confidence is the fact that the approval of peers will not satisfy you.  At ALL.  I’ve always known that Jesus is the only person who can give me confidence, but I’ve been guilty of thinking that the approval of friends, acquaintances, AND confession time again, guys, will make me feel a little better about myself.  However, I found out differently as a result of some experiences at church camp this past summer.  To make a long story short, a guy was trying to flirt with me, one of my best friends said that a guy was staring at me with his mouth wide open(who was probably around four years older than me…creepy awkward…), and all the guys from ages 12 to about 15 took a vote on the prettiest girls at camp; I was number four-under my bestie who is one of those naturally “drop dead gorgeous” girls, and two girls who were obsessed with their hair and makeup.  Most girls would flip if that happened to them, but guess what?  I went right back to feeling like a flop.  Those guys’ approval didn’t do anything to my confidence.  Sure, it felt good for a day or two, but after that?  Not at all.  I was back to a deflated attitude of esteem.

However, I praise the Lord for that experience because He proved me wrong-that only HE can give me the satisfaction and approval my soul craves.  It’s good to get a “Jesus spanking” every once and a while, and I’m so glad He gave me one.  Why?  Because I’ve discovered that it pays to be yourself and to be the beautiful person God created you to be.  The Lord made each one of us UNIQUE; whether it’s one-of-a-kind personalities, or out-of-the-ordinary physical features.  There is no one else like you in the Universe!!!  Think of how special that is!  Buuut, like I often do, you may reply “Yes, I know that, but just knowing doesn’t cut it.”

1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

Yeah, maybe not at first, but that’s when I have to look at my heart.  The closer I am, the closer you are with God, the more confident I/you will be!  When we are close in or walks with God, we won’t see all of our flaws and imperfections.  Instead, we’ll see all the good because we want to find ways to honor God and give Him glory for all that He has blessed us with.  Just like 1 Samuel 16:7 says, “…man looketh at the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”  The more Christ-like we become, the more we will apply the latter part of that verse.  And once you believe that, others will too!  You’ll look at others the way Christ sees them, and because of this action, they’ll see Christ in you.  Now isn’t that beautiful?!  Uniqueness truly is a gift from God, and I believe that we all can learn to use that gift the way God designed. 🙂