Battling Doubts

Hello, there!

My name is Misty, and this is my first post on Send the Light. I apologize for taking so long to do so. 😉

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Praise the Lord! He is risen! ❤

For today’s post, I want to talk about some pointers for when life gets hard. Of course, you can’t deny the fact that it does. Everyone has problems, everyone makes mistakes, everyone has regrets, and everyone has questions. Jesus didn’t try to cover up reality. He plainly told us in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” We will have tribulation, but we can find peace and joy in Jesus Christ, who has already overcome this world.

God is bigger than any “Goliath” who comes knocking at your door.

I know you have doubts, and I know you have questions. But for once, set those questions aside, and ask yourself the most important question of all:

Who is Jesus?

Once you answer that question, all your other doubts should instantly shrink so much smaller. In fact, you cannot be saved until you answer that question. For an example:

Why is God letting this happen to me?

Well, if Jesus is who He says He is, then I guess He always has a reason, right? If Jesus is who He says He is, then He can surely use the evil things of this world for his good purposes, can’t He? If Jesus is who He says He is, then He is fully trustworthy, and you can put your trust in Him and hand Him your troubles when tough times come your way.

Always remember that question, and never forget the answer. When doubts beat you to the ground, remember to push those to the side and ask that question, “Who is Jesus?” The answer can make a huge difference.

Besides, why worry if the Jesus living in your heart is the Almighty God of the universe? The Jesus who died for you?

Last of all, when times get rough, don’t forget to pray. Prayer is so powerful!! I’ve seen it in my own life, and I’ve seen it in others’ lives. Don’t face the day until you’ve faced God in prayer. When you’re feeling beat down and overwhelmed, go to God. Fall on your knees and just talk to Him. Ask Him to fill you with peace. If you’re sincere, the Holy Spirit will flood you with such an amazing peace, even in the midst of all the chaos of this world.

To close this post, here’s some encouraging bible verses!

not yet seen but believed.pngneed to hear Your voice.pngstart your day with Jesus.pngHoly Hotlines.pngI am His.pngPrayer is the most important conversation.pngPrayPraise You in this storm

Let God.pngYou have incredible worth.png

I hope this post brought you encouragement to take on the tough times, and to battle your doubts!

Have a lovely day!

Misty 'Send the Light' Signature

4 thoughts on “Battling Doubts

  1. I’m sure those depression, fear, and sickness hotlines won’t help my Generalized Anxiety Disorder, bouts of Depression, or Epilepsy (seizures). I know, I have to take medicine.

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